AD-CISPR16-1-4 Ferrite Clamp for Radiated Disturbance Measurements

Standards Met:
CISPR 16-1-4
Frequency Range:
30 MHz to 1 GHz
Decoupling and noise suppression, Electromagnetic absorption clamp
The EMC Shop




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AD-CISPR16-1-4 Overview

The AD-CISPR16-1-4 can be used for both, coaxial cables and unshielded cable bundles, to suppress unwanted common mode currents (also called braid currents). Since these unwanted common mode currents are very often a reason for poor repeatability of measurements, the new CISPR 16-1-4 standard recommends the use of absorbing clamps. The ferrite clamp meets the requirements from 30 - 200 MHz and is usable up to 1 GHz.

Construction of the clamp consists of many precision cut ferrite half-toroids, embedded in a grey plastic housing. The unique floating toroid bearing ensures a perfect fit of the ferrite surfaces. Two quick-locks at the long side allow opening and closing of the clamp within seconds. Cable bundles or coaxial cables with a maximum diameter of 26 mm are accepted by the clamp without disassembling connectors or interrupting any circuitry. The combination of short length and large cable hole diameter offers a broad variety of applications for the AD-CISPR16-1-4. Each common mode absorption device comes with an individually measured calibration certificate.


The AD-CISPR16-1-4 can be calibrated with the optionally available "AD-CISPR16-1-4-CAL" calibration set as described in CISPR 16-1-4.

Frequency Range 30 MHz - 200 MHz
Specified in CISPR 16-1-4
Useable Frequency Range 10 MHz - 1 GHz
S11 (30 MHz) 0.6 - 0.75
S11 (200 MHz) 0.4 - 0.55
S21 S11 (200 MHz):
S21 < 0.25
Max. Cable Diameter ~1 inch
Housing Material PVC
Housing Dimensions 16" x 2.75" x 2.5"
Weight 7 LBs


S11 measured acc. CISPR 16-1-4 Section 9.5
AD-CISPR16-1-4 Ferrite  Clamp for Radiated Disturbance Measurements

S21 measured acc. CISPR 16-1-4 Section 9.6
AD-CISPR16-1-4 Ferrite  Clamp for Radiated Disturbance Measurements

AD-CISPR16-1-4 Key Considerations

The EMC Shop
Standards Met:
CISPR 16-1-4
Frequency Range:
30 MHz to 1 GHz
Decoupling and noise suppression, Electromagnetic absorption clamp

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