Equipment & Materials

EN 55011

EN 55011:2009 Indus­trial, sci­en­tific and med­ical equip­ment– Radio- frequency dis­tur­bance char­ac­ter­is­tics Lim­its and meth­ods of mea­sure­ment applies to indus­trial, sci­en­tific and med­ical (ISM) equip­ment. The fre­quency range of ISM equip­ment shall not exceed 400GHz; house­hold equip­ment and sim­i­lar equip­ment designed to gen­er­ate and/ or use locally radio- frequency energy.

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Scope of the Tests:

Equipment designed to generate RF energy for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) purposes, including spark erosion.


Mains terminal voltage 150 kHz – 30 MHz using CISPR-16 LISN; radiated field 30 – 1000 MHz on test site or in situ (Class A only). Group 2 Class A limits apply down to 150 kHz; A1: 1999 introduces emissions limits between 1 and 18 GHz from Group 2 Class B > 400 MHz