EMC Test Equipment Calibrations

Accredited Calibration Laboratory

The EMC Shop has unique calibration capabilities of test equipment and systems, giving customers assurance that all equipment together, works appropriately.

The EMC Shops' calibration laboratories includes three areas, ESD, RF and Conducted Immunity/Susceptibility. Using best practice, state of the art calibration equipment, and technicians focused on niche test areas, customers have been flocking to use our services.

The EMC Shop is accredited to perform calibration and uncertainty measurements on unique EMI test equipment.

Why The EMC Shop?

  • Industry Best Lead Times
  • Onsite Calibration Services
  • Accredited to ISO 17025
  • Electric Field Probes
  • Any EMC Test Equipment Past & Present
  • Calibration Service Provider for Many Large Calibration Labs

Rentals to Maintain Capability

Many EMC Shop customers will rent the same or similar test equipment to maintain their inhouse capabilities while their equipment is calibrated.

Common EMC Test Equipment We Calibrate

Connect with The EMC Shop

Our experienced staff can help you with applications, purchase and rental options.