Thermo Keytek ECAT High Voltage Burst/EFT Generator

Burst (EFT) 5/50 ns:
Pulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-4
Burst frequency:
Adjustable from 1 kHz to 1 MHz up to 4.4 kV; 1 kHz to 250 kHz from 4.4 kV to 8.0 kV
Burst time:
1 to 360 sec.; 1 second resolution 1 to 240 min.; 1 minute resolution 1 to 24 hours; 1 hour resolution
Positive, negative, alternating
Pulse amplitude:
200V to 8.0kV, ±10%; 5 V resolution
Standards Met:
IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEEE C62.41, UL 864, ANSI/IEEEC62.41, UL 1449
Thermo Keytek



Datasheet (PDF File)



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ECAT Model E103 Control Center (Included with Modules)

Computer-driven control center and power units required for the operation of any Thermo Scientific ECAT test system.

Surge V&I Monitor Ports - For waveform monitoring with an external (user supplied) oscilloscope at 1kV/V and 200A/V;V & I signals supplied from optional AC coupler/decoupler or ECAT modules/options.

Input Voltage: 100V to 240VAC, 50/60 Hz

Typical Input Current: 3.5A @ 100V; 1.5A @ 240V

ECAT Model E510A Module

Plug-in module to produce combination wave specified by ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat. B and IEC 61000-4-5 to 10kV and 5kA.

Compatible Coupling/Decoupling Networks: E455x-kV, E4555, E4556

ECAT Model E506-4W Module

Plug-in module to produce the 2/10µs surges required by Telcordia GR-1089 CORE for up to five-wire (four terminal) testing.


  • <2/>10µs, 50-800V, 100A/terminal with 800V open circuit voltage
  • <2/>10µs, 50-1500V, 100A/terminal with 1500V open-circuit voltage
  • <2/>10µs, 100-2500V, 500A/terminal with 2500V open-circuit voltage
  • <2/>10µs, 200-5000V, 500A/terminal with 5000V open-circuit voltage

Tolerances: All peak open-circuit voltages and short-circuit currents are -0%/+20%

Outputs: Front panel terminals for connection to T1, R1, T2, R2 and Ground

Surge: Repetition Rate 1 shot/16 seconds

ECAT Model E508 Module

Plug-in module to produce the 10/360µs surges required by Telcordia GR-1089 CORE.

Open-Circuit Voltage: 10/360µs, 50-1100V, -0/+15% in 1 volt steps. Tip and ring outputs independent and isolated to insure true, three-terminal simultaneous testing of up to 12 pair. Waveforms as defined by Telcordia GR-1089-CORE.

Short-Circuit Current: 100A/side -0/+15% at a voltage setting of 1.0kV

Front Time Tolerance: -30/+0% for voltage and current

Duration Tolerance: -0/+30%

Surge Repetition Rate: 1 shot/50 seconds

ECAT Model E508-12P Module

Plug-in module to produce the 10/360µs surges required by Telcordia GR-1089 CORE.

Open-Circuit Voltage: 10/360µs, 50-1100V, -0/+15% in 1 volt steps. Tip and ring outputs independent and isolated to insure true, three-terminal simultaneous testing of up to 12 pair. Waveforms as defined by Telcordia GR-1089-CORE.

Short-Circuit Current: 25A/side -0/+15% at a voltage setting of 1.0kV

Front Time Tolerance: -25%/+0 for voltage; -30%/+0 for current

Duration Tolerance: -0/+30%

Surge Repetition Rate: 1 shot/150 seconds

ECAT Model E411 Module

EFT/Noise Burst simulator for testing in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4 Edition 2 to 4.4kV.

Burst Polarity: Positive, negative, alternating

Burst Voltage: 200 V to 4.4 kV

Burst Voltage Resolution: 5 V

Coupling/Decoupling Network: E455X

ECAT Model E502B Module

Plug-in module to produce the telecommunications surge wave required by IEC 61000-4-5, FCC Part 68 and ITU Rec K.17, K.20, and K.21 (formerly CCITT).

Open-Circuit Voltage: 10/700µs and 0.5/700µs, 200V - 6.6kV ±10% in 1 volt steps.10/700µs waveform meets both IEC and FCC Part 68 9/720µs requirements. Tighter tolerances for front time and duration ensure compliance with both requirements.

Short-Ciruit Voltage: Open-circuit voltage ÷ 15 with 0 ohm effective source impedance; open-circuit voltage ÷ 40 with 25 ohm effective source impedance. Tolerance is -0/+10%

Front Time Tolerance:

  • Voltage: 7.0µs to 11.7µs
  • Current: 5.0µs ±30%


  • Voltage: 576µs to 840µs
  • Current: 320µs ±20%

Surge Repetition Rate: 1 shot/18 seconds

ECAT Model E503 Module

Plug-in module to produce the ring waves specified by ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat. A and B, and various UL standards, including UL 864.

Voltage Rise Time: 0.5µs ±30%

Ringing Frequency: 100kHz ±20%, 40% decay per peak

Open-Circuit Voltage: 200V - 6.6kV ± 10%

Short-Circuit Current: Selectable at 200A max. or 500A max., when the open-circuit voltage is set to 6.0kV. (Actual shortcircuit current at other voltage settings will be open-circuit voltage ÷ 30 when 200A is selected and open-circuit voltage ÷ 12 when 500A is selected.)

Surge Repetition Rate: 1 shot/9 seconds

Line Sync Accuracy: ±15º with optional coupler/decoupler

ECAT Model E000 Blank Module

Blank Plug-in Module. Required when only a single 1/2 width module is installed in a docking bay.


About the Keytek ECAT System:

The Thermo Fisher Keytek ECAT Simulator systems are a sesoned favorite being used for electromagnetic Surge and EFT testing for more than 2 decades. The controller has an easy-to-use Windows based application software for quick implementation of test routines and standards, with automoatic report generation. A multi-level system interlock architecture provides maximum safety to keep first time users safe.

This rental ECAT system is suitable for users looking to evaluate DUT in a precompliance environment for passing Surge and Burst (Electrical Fast Transient) immunity test standards such as IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5 and ANSI C62.41. The single phase, 15 amp coupling network is suitable for most commercial electronics and lower powered electronics.

Common Configuration for ECAT:

  • E103 Controller (fiber-interface for remote control)
  • E421 EFT/Noise Burst Simulator to 8 kV (IEC 61000-4-4)
  • E4554 Burst Coupling up to 8 kV
  • Input voltage: 100V to 240VAC
  • Input Current: 3.5A at 100 V; 1.5A at 240 V
  • User Manual
  • NIST Calibration Certificate

Power Line Coupling/Decoupling Networks

Surge Data Line Couplers

EFT Couplers

Waveform Verification and Calibration Equipment

Surge & EFT Test Setup


Calibrations & Repairs

ISO 17025
Scope of Accreditation


Key Considerations

Thermo Keytek
Burst (EFT) 5/50 ns:
Pulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-4
Burst frequency:
Adjustable from 1 kHz to 1 MHz up to 4.4 kV; 1 kHz to 250 kHz from 4.4 kV to 8.0 kV
Burst time:
1 to 360 sec.; 1 second resolution 1 to 240 min.; 1 minute resolution 1 to 24 hours; 1 hour resolution
Positive, negative, alternating
Pulse amplitude:
200V to 8.0kV, ±10%; 5 V resolution
Standards Met:
IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEEE C62.41, UL 864, ANSI/IEEEC62.41, UL 1449

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