Conducted Immunity & Susceptibility Testing

Conducted Immunity & Susceptibility Testing


Conducted immunity testing for electrical surges and transients are critical aspects of evaluating electronic devices' performance and resilience in the face of electrical disturbances. This combined testing approach assesses both the susceptibility of the device to conducted disturbances and its ability to withstand electrical surges and transients.

Conducted Immunity Testing Setup

The setup for conducted immunity testing includes the following components:

  • **Surge Generator**: Generates electrical surges and transients with specific parameters for testing.
  • **Coupling and Decoupling Network (CDN)**: Used to couple the disturbances into the device under test (DUT) through power and signal lines.
  • **Test Bench**: Connect the DUT to the surge generator and any required monitoring equipment. Ensure proper grounding and connections.
  • **Monitoring Equipment**: Includes oscilloscopes, voltage meters, and other instruments to monitor the DUT's performance during testing.
  • **DUT**: The electronic device being tested.

Test Procedure

The procedures for conducted immunity testing and electrical surges and transients testing typically include the following steps:

  1. **Test Plan**: Define the test plan and parameters, including the type of disturbances, voltage levels, and duration of the tests.
  2. **Test Setup**: Connect the DUT to the appropriate test equipment for conducted immunity and electrical surges/transients testing, ensuring proper configuration and grounding.
  3. **Pre-Test Check**: Verify that the test equipment and DUT are functioning correctly before starting the test. Perform a pre-test functional check of the DUT.
  4. **Test Execution**: Apply the disturbances to the DUT according to the test plan. Monitor the DUT's performance during the test, looking for any signs of malfunction or interference.
  5. **Post-Test Analysis**: After the test, analyze the DUT's performance and functionality. Check for any deviations from normal operation and identify the impact of the disturbances on the device.
  6. **Reporting**: Document the test results, including any observed issues and the DUT's performance under conducted immunity and electrical surge/transient conditions. Provide a detailed report for compliance and certification purposes.

Test Setup (Video)

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