Amplifier Research PM2003 Power Meter, 3 Channel, 10 kHz - 40 GHz, -70dBm to +44dBm

7 lbs (3.2 kg)
8.25 in (21.0 cm) wide, 3.5 in (8.9 cm) high, 13.25 in (33.7 cm) deep
RF Field Probe Connector:
Inputs: Rear panel HEAD connectors and rear panel IEEE-488 connector standard. Outputs: Rear panel PWR/REF connector, 0dBm, 50 MHz. Rear panel RECORDER BNC connector, 0 to 10V into 1mW.
RF Field Probe Frequency Range:
10 kHz-40 GHz, power head dependent
RF Field Probe Maximum Input Power:
May be operated into 1kW or 1V fs
RF Field Probe Power Measurement Range:
-70dBm to +44dBm, power head dependent
Amplifier Research




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Amplifier Research PM2003 Description:

The Amplifier Research Model PM2003 is a three channel high performance power meter that features high speed measurement capability and wide dynamic range.
The PM2003 is designed for use with the PH2000 Series of RF power sensors and is capable of measurements in the range of 10 kHz to 40 GHz, from -70 dBm to +44 dBm power head dependent.

The PM2003 is supplied with IEEE communication and features both manual or auto ranging measurement

Key Considerations

Amplifier Research
7 lbs (3.2 kg)
8.25 in (21.0 cm) wide, 3.5 in (8.9 cm) high, 13.25 in (33.7 cm) deep
RF Field Probe Connector:
Inputs: Rear panel HEAD connectors and rear panel IEEE-488 connector standard. Outputs: Rear panel PWR/REF connector, 0dBm, 50 MHz. Rear panel RECORDER BNC connector, 0 to 10V into 1mW.
RF Field Probe Frequency Range:
10 kHz-40 GHz, power head dependent
RF Field Probe Maximum Input Power:
May be operated into 1kW or 1V fs
RF Field Probe Power Measurement Range:
-70dBm to +44dBm, power head dependent

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