Coupling Decoupling Networks (CDN's)

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The EMC Shop stocks coupling decoupling networks (CDN's) for most power and data line configurations. CDN's are quintessential for performing EMC testing. In short, conducted immunity coupling networks ensure electrical transients are sent down the path of the line to the EUT. Decoupling that signal from entering the rest of the network is done in different ways. In radiated immunity, you are coupling wireless signals over the air through the antenna. It may be appropriate to use a decoupling clamp on lines as they exit the test chamber.

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Coupling/Decoupling networks are built in to most current generators for single phase power EUT. Coupling networks are typically easy to set up for conducted immunity (surge, EFT, PQF). RF conduted immunity requires an assortment of couplers and without proper setup, are easy to blow up.

Type's of Coupling Decoupling Networks

  • CDN's for Surge/EFT Immunity: Power Lines and Data Lines
  • RF CDN's for Conducted Immunity: Power Lines and Data Lines: Used for just decoupling as well
  • EM Clamps: Inject and decouple RF disturbances
  • Absorbing Clamps: Just for decoupling RF disturbances on cables (Needed for BCI Testing)
  • Bulk Current Injection Probes: Used for just coupling RF noise

Coupling/decoupling networks for RF conducted immunity have a port top-side where your inject the RF signal, an EUT side where the RF disturbances are directed to power or data lines. The decoupling path exit the AE Side and is generally safe from disturbances.

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Coupling Decoupling Networks (CDN's) Test Equipment, Systems & Solutions

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