Pearson PRD-120 Powerline Ripple Detector

Test Standards:
MIL-STD-461 CS101, DO-160 Section 18 and MIL-HDBK-704-2 through -6
Max. Voltage:
120 V (AC or DC)
Frequency Range:
10 Hz to 150 kHz
Military EMC Testing



Typically in Stock

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The EMC Shop is an ISO 17025 accredited calibration company with the Pearson PRD-120 in stock available for sale or rental. Repair and refurbishment services available as well. Contact us now for application support.

The Pearson PRD-120 facilitates the measurement of power line AC ripple using a frequency selective voltmeter, i.e., EMI receiver or spectrum analyzer. In so doing, it greatly simplifies both the manual and automated measurement of injected ripple in such standards as MIL-STD461 CS01/CS101, RTCA/DO-160 section 18 and MIL-HDBK704-2 through -6.

The PRD-120 is rated for use on any power bus, ac or dc, up to and including a potential of 125 Volts (dc or rms).

The PRD-120 provides the test engineer with the following built-in functions:

  • Signal conditioning so that both power bus potential and ripple can be monitored on a sensitive frequency selective
  • Isolation between power bus and frequency selective voltmeter safety/chassis ground
  • Capability to monitor ripple across both test sample and power source
  • For MIL-STD-461 CS101, a switch selectable function which generates a constant output across the entire CS101 frequency range, even above 5 kHz where the limit changes with frequency

Both Traditional audio frequency injection test set-up and audio frequency ripple injection using Pearson PRD-120


Key Considerations

Test Standards:
MIL-STD-461 CS101, DO-160 Section 18 and MIL-HDBK-704-2 through -6
Max. Voltage:
120 V (AC or DC)
Frequency Range:
10 Hz to 150 kHz
Military EMC Testing

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