Schwarzbeck IGUU 2916 Universal Calibration Pulse Generator





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Manual operation using front panel or PC - control via optional IEEE-Interface.

Calibration Pulse Generators
are indispensable for the test of emi-receivers, especially the pulse weighting curves which are specified in the standards.

Calibration Pulse Generators up to now
For many decades the Schwarzbeck Calibration Pulse Generators IGLK 2914 (Band A, 9 kHz150 kHz and Band B, 150 kHz-30 MHz) and IGU 2912 (Band C/D, 30 MHz-1 GHz) have been recognised as world wide standard. Their mechanical relay contacts generate spectrum beyond 1 GHz with both high voltage and high precision.

And now the IGUU 2916

  1. The IGUU 2916 covers the complete frequency range from 9 kHz - 1 GHz. Obviously both relay contact generators with their 1-dB amplitude setting (main generators) are included with slight modification, because there is still no alternative.
  2. New Auxiliary Generators open the pulse frequency range beyond 200 Hz. So finally this limit of the mechanical relay contact has been overcome. Pulse frequency in the range of 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz is now available. This means complete testing of emi-receivers including detectors for cispr-quasi-peak, average and peak/mil.
  3. Rotary encoders and led-displays are used for pulse frequency and amplitude (main generator only) tuning and reading. Pulse frequency generation uses a crystal reference generator and dividers.
  4. The Sine Wave Generator provides the frequencies 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz and 100 MHz with 60 dBmV. The generator uses output voltage control and is referenced to the crystal generator using frequency dividers and multipliers. This means sine wave/pulse comparison without an external signal generator.
  5. The optional Coaxial Switching Unit KU 9616 connects one of the four outputs of the IGUU 2916 to the e. u. t., controlled by the IGUU 291
  6. This is very convenient and time saving because there is no need to change coaxial connections. 6. The optional IEEE-Interface serves for complete PC-control of all generator functions. Automatic testing is possible by combining interface and coaxial switching unit.
Technical Data
Main Generators
Pulse frequency range 0.1 Hz-200 Hz
0-20 Hz in 0,1 Hz-Steps, 0 -200 Hz in 1 Hz-steps
Pulse frequency accuracy better +/ -2x10 -4
Pulse shape Almost rectangular
Pulse duration Band A: 270 ns, Band B: 6 ns, Band C/D: 0,3ns
Pulse polarity positive/negative (switchable)
Pulse level (CISPR weighting Q.P.): Band A/B 10 -70dB, in 1 dB-steps, Band C/D 0 -60 dB, in 1 dB-steps
Max. Output Voltage acr. 50 W 80 V - 110 V
Pulse Area at 60 dB attenuator setting Corresponds to CISPR 16 Standard equivalent to 1 mVrms across 50 W with standardised Q.P.-Detector
Frequency flatness typ. +/- 0 dB to -0.5 dB at upper frequency limit for Band A/B
Band C typ. +/ -0,5 dB 30 - 100 MHz (100 MHz is reference frequency for level calibration). Level incr. betw. 200 MHz and 800 MHz +0,5 to +1 dB, 800 - 1000 MHz decrease to +/ -0dB to -1 dB.
Level Accuracy
Band A/B +/-0,5 dB 50 kHz, 1 MHz
Band C/D +/-0,8dB at 100 MHz.
Auxiliary Generators
Pulse frequency ranges 0.1 Hz-20 Hz, 1-200 Hz, 10 Hz-2 kHz, 100 Hz -20 kHz.
Steps 0,1 Hz, 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz
Pulse frequency accuracy better +/ -2x10 -4 for 0-200Hz better +/-2.10 -3 for 0-2 kHz, +/-1,5% for 0 -20 kHz
Pulse duration typ. BandA:70 ns, Band B:5 ns, Band C/(D):1 ns
Pulse level ((CISPR weighting Q.P.): Band A/B/C/(D) 40 dB fixed level
Frequency flatness Band A/B same as 1 st Main Gen.
Band C(D) typ. +/ -0,75 dB 30 - 300 MHz-3 dB >500 MHz
Sine Wave Generators
Frequencies 100 kHz/1 MHz/10 MHz/100 MHz +/ -10-5
Output Level 60 dB mV +/-0.5 dB
Dimensions W x H x D 447 mm x 180 mm x 460 mm

Key Considerations


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