3ctest CDN 405AF4 Surge Coupler for Unshielded Unsymmetric Lines

Test Standards:
EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Data lines Unshielded, Unsymmetrical Surge Immunity
Data Rate:
100 Kbit/s
Surge Voltage Handling:
6kV (10kV Available)



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The CDN 405AF4 is designed according to figure 9 of IEC/EN 61000-4-5:2017, it’s used for test unshielded unsymmetric communication line with transmission rate up to 100 Kbit/s. The coupling device and decoupling device used are optional for different test requirement. Max. surge test is 6 kV.

These are compatible with most any existing surge generator on the market producing reliable output. The EMC Shop stocks the CDN 405T8's and can provide accredited calibrations immediately.

CE Mark EMC Testing Section - Conducted Immunity

Testing Setup & Overview

The EMC Shop Rental & Delivery

Parameters Specifications

IEC 61000-4-5:2017 and IEC 61000-4-5:2005

Coupling waveform

1.2/50us, 8/20us

Pulse voltage
6kV (10 kV, customized)
Coupling mode

1/2/3/4 unshielded line

Line to line and line to earth

Coupling device

Optional GDT90, TVS76, C05

Optional GDT90, TVS76, TVS200, C250

Output impedance

40 Ω ± 5%

Communication port

4 mm banana plug

Data rate

100 Kbit/s

Pin layout
Pair 1: pins 1 / 2 Pair 2: pins 3 / 6 Pair 3: pins 4 /5 Pair 4: pins 7 / 8
Working current

Max. 2 Amps

Decoupling Inductance

20 mH

Standard Accessories

  • Test line
  • Current-limiting resistor NR 40l
  • Calibration Report
  • User Manual

Optional Accessories

·It’s necessary to choose one coupling device and one decoupling device when purchasing the CDN 405AF4.

·The residual voltage of CDN 405AF4 is related to the type of decoupling device.

  • Coupling device: CD-GDT90 (90V DC)
  • Coupling device: CD-TVS76 (76V DC)
  • Coupling device: CD-C05   (0.5μF capacitor)
  • Decoupling device: DP-GDT90 (90V DC)
  • Decoupling device: DP-TVS76 (76V DC)
  • Decoupling device: DP-TVS200 (200V DC)
  • Decoupling device: DP-C250 (250V AC capacitor)

Key Considerations

Test Standards:
EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Data lines Unshielded, Unsymmetrical Surge Immunity
Data Rate:
100 Kbit/s
Surge Voltage Handling:
6kV (10kV Available)

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