RFC-MIL Low Loss, High Power RF Cable




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The RFC-MIL low loss, high power armored RF test cables are ideal for compliance measurements, are designed specifically for the needs of EMC lab technicians. These low density dielectric cables are constructed using materials that meet electromagnetic compatibility standards. The cable assemblies offer excellent shielding effectiveness and the benefits of crush resistant armoring. Plug connectors (exception: precision airline) have conductive interface gaskets integrated to minimize RF leakage at the connector. Phase matching, alternative conductive jackets and other features are available to suit specific EMI/RFI test environments.

Frequency EMC3 Conn. Loss dB
Attenuation VSWR
GHz Band Db/ft dB/m
0.3 UHF 0.026 0.086 1.10 0.006
0.5 0.034 0.112 0.009
0.8 0.043 0.142 0.012
1.0 L 0.049 0.159 0.014
2.0 S 0.070 0.229 0.024
2.4 0.077 0.252 0.027
3.0 0.086 0.283 0.032
4.0 C 0.101 0.330 1.20 0.040
6.0 0.125 0.411 0.055
8.0 X 0.146 0.480 1.25 0.070
10.0 0.166 0.543 0.084
12.4 0.186 0.612 1.30 0.101
15.0 Ku 0.207 0.681 0.118
18.0 0.230 0.755 1.35 1.139

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