Boonton 4541 Single Channel Front Panel Input RF Power Meter




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Boonton 4540 Series RF Power Meter

The Boonton 4540 Series RF Power Meter is the instrument of choice for capturing, displaying and analyzing RF signals. Applications include pulsed RF signals like radar or gsm based technologies, as well as pseudorandom, noise-like signals such as cdma, evdo, wlan, wimax, umts, hspa, lte, ofdm or hdtv. The 4540 Series offers Pulse, Modulated/CW, and Statistical operating modes, making it well suited for all requirements of R&D, manufacturing and control operations. Single channel versions (4541) and dual channel versions (4542) are available.

Boonton 4540 Series  Pulse Recognition and Analysis Systems

Both 4541 and 4542
Power meters command powerful pulse recognition and analysis systems. Parameters like pulse-width, rise time, fall time, power distribution and many others are automatically detected, measured and presented.


Modulated, Pulsed and Statistical Measurements

Modulated Mode
Modulated Modemeasurements are possible with cost effective CW sensors, or with fast Peak Power sensors. Using Peak Power sensors, the 4540 Series can measure true average power of modulated waveforms, while providing important information about the instantaneous peak power value. Large digits allow clear, legible measurement reading.

Pulsed Mode
Analysis of fast single pulses or pulses with high pulse repetition interval (pri) requires an instrument with sophisticated trigger and data acquisition capability. This provides accuracy and high definition trace detail of the measured signal. A variety of trigger settings, including pre and post trigger in combination with a high sampling rate allow the 4540 Series to capture any pulse. High level of signal detail is essential when short pulses, signal edges, signal overshoots, filters, high gain amplifiers, delay lines and such have to be analyzed.

Statistical Mode
Non-periodic signals, such as hdtv, evdo, umts or lte are noise-like and consist of varying magnitude peaks randomly distributed over the channel. These random events do not serve as a trigger for consistent measurements. Amplifier designs require fast peak measurement capability from a power meter to detect signal clipping and compression due to overload. The Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function, or CCDF, displayed by the 4540 plots the probability that the power will be at or below a specified level. By examining the areas close to 100% probability, it is possible to see how often the highest peaks occur. It is easy to see amplifier compression under actual operating conditions, and to predict the effect on error rate that this may have. Up to 4 GSamples of data can be collected, compiled and analyzed by the 4540 Series.

Boonton 4541 Clear and Legible Numeric Display Boonton 4541 Falling Signal Edge Boonton 4541 Noise-Like Signals

Clear and legible numeric display
allows quick measurement readings.

The falling signal edge shows
an unwanted anomaly. The signal bounces
back, after an initial decline, and then
it settles to the actual off level.

Noise-like signals are analyzed statistically.
The average power in this ccdF representation serves as a reference, while the graph shows
the distribution of lower power levels.

Effective Random Sampling

The 4540 Series RF Power Meter offers an impressingly detailed representation of measured signals. As a result, signals can be analyzed thoroughly and anomalies can be detected imme- diately. High signal definition is achieved with two powerful features: a time resolution of 200ps, unprecedented in a power meter of this class, and a technique called Repetitive Random Sampling. For repetitive signals, the 4540 Series offers an effec- tive sampling rate of up to 5 gSamples / second.

For accurate, repeatable measurements, power meters require diligently chosen trigger and timing settings. Finding the correct trigger settings is often more difficult than perform- ing the actual measurement – not so with the 4540 Series. Our instruments are equipped with an “AutoSet” feature. This feature analyzes incoming signals and presets the instrument’s timing and trigger settings in a way that allows for immediate measurements. Presets are available for many common wireless formats.

RF-Voltage Measurements
in some cases it is necessary to measure RF voltage without terminating or significantly loading the source. The 4540 Series supports voltage measurements with different Boonton voltage probes (also known as voltage sensors). Boonton’s high imped- ance voltage probes are available for frequencies from 10 hz to 1.2 ghz. voltage probes are designed to measure cw voltage to 10 v, but they can also be used to measure the root mean square (RMS) value of a fluctuating or modulated signal up to 20 mv (2 v with 1:100 divider). linearity correction factors are stored in the sensor adapter, so voltage measurements can be taken immediately.

Firmware Updates
Boonton strives to provide the best products to our customers, hence the 4540 Series can be easily field-updated with new firmware. New firmware versions are released periodically and available at the Boonton website. The download package comes with a loader that handles the proper update of the 4540 Series via a PC. Advantages of firmware updates are obvious: features added – for free.

Boonton 4540 Series  Graphic Header

The graphic header feature of the
4541 / 4542 RF Power Meters allows
displaying up to 10 user selectable parameters.
Colors refer to the specific
Channel: Yellow ch-1, Blue ch-2.

Virtual Front Panel Software
The 4540 virtual Front Panel software (vFP) can be down- loaded from the Boonton web site. it provides three powerful features:

  • 4540 Series Remote Key Simulation
  • Screenshots
  • Full Screen Display

Remote Key Simulation allows simulating all the keys of the 4540 Series that is connected to the Pc via lAn. if more than one 4540 Series is present at the subnet, vFP software will detect all instruments and show their iP addresses and serial numbers. The operator can now select which instrument he wants to control. vFP does not switch the power meters into remote state; while controlled by vFP they still allow operation via the actual front panel keys.

Screenshots of traces are often required as records or when signals need to be analyzed at a later point in time. The 4540 vFP software takes a screenshot with one push of a button and stores the images as bitmap files.

The 4540 Series has a 4” display providing high resolution and great detail of the signal trace. Menu buttons can be hidden to increase the usable screen area. if an even larger screen display is required, the viewer function of the vFP transfers the 4540 Series screen live to a Pc to utilize the full screen size.


4540 Series Specifications
Acquisition and Measurement System
Measurement Technique Random repetitive sampling system providing pre and post-trigger data and statistical histogram accumulation
Sampling Rate 50 MSa / second on each channel simultaneously
Effective Sampling Rate 5 GSa /second on each channel simultaneously
Memory depth 262,144 samples at max sampling rate
Vertical Resolution 0.008%, 14-bit A/D Converte
DSP 32 bit floating point
Time resolution 200 ps
Sensor Inputs
RF Channels 1 or 2 (4541 / 4542)
RF Frequency Range 10 kHz to 40 GHz*
Pulse Meas. Range -50 to +20 dBm*
Modulated Meas. Range -55 to +20 dBm*
CW Pwr Range -70 to +44 dBm*
Relative Offset Range ±200.00 dB
Video BW 70 MHz*
Risetime < 7 ns*
Single Shot Bandwidth 5 MHz (based on 10 samples/pulse)
* Sensor Dependent, Calibrator Dependent
Vertical Scale
0.1 to 50 dBm/div in 1-2-5 sequence
0.1 to 50 dBV/div in 1-2-5 sequence
0.1 to 50 dBmV/div in 1-2-5 sequence
0.1 to 50 dBuV/div in 1-2-5 sequence
1 nW/div to 50 MW/div in 1-2-5 sequence
1 nV/div to 50 MV/div in 1-2-5 sequence
Mode Normal, Auto, Auto Pk-to-Pk, Free Run
Source Channel 1 (internal) Channel 2 (internal) External
Internal Level Range -40 to +20 dBm (sensor dependent)
External Level Range ±5 volts (±50 volts with 10:1 divider probe)
External Input Impedance 1 MOhm (13 pF DC Coupled)
Slope + or –
Hold-off 0.0 - 1.0 sec (10 ns resolution)
Min Trigger Pulse Width 15 ns
Max Trigger Rate 30 MHz
Time Base
Time Base Resolution 200 ps
Time Base Range 10 ns/div to 1 hr/div
Time Base Accuracy 0.01%
Time Base Display Sweeping or Roll Mode
Trigger Delay Range
Timebases 10 ns to 500 ns: -4 ms to +100 ms
Timebases 1 us to 10 ms: ±4000 divisions
Timebases 20 ms to 3600 s: -40 s to +100 s
Trigger Delay Resolution 0.02 divisions
Pulse Mode Operation
Automatic Measurements
Pulse width Pulse rise-time
Pulse fall-time Pulse period
Pulse repetition frequency Pulse duty cycle
Pulse off-time Peak power
Pulse “on” power Pulse overshoot (dB or %)
Waveform Average power Top level power (IEEE spec)
Bottom level power (IEEE spec) Edge delay
Edge skew (2 channel instruments only)
Marker Measurements
Markers (vertical cursors) Settable in time relative to the trigger position
Markers independently Average, minimum, peak power at a single time offset
Pair of Markers Average, minimum, peak power over the interval between markers, power ratio between markers
Acquisition Mode Discontinuous triggered sample acquisition
Trace Display Power versus time swept trace (rolled trace for slow time bases)
Trace Averaging 1 to 16384 samples per sweep data point, exponential
Modulated Mode Operation
Automatic Measurements
Average power Peak power Minimum power
Peak to Average ratio Dynamic range
Signal Filtering “Sliding window” filter; 0.002 to 16.0 seconds (fixed) or auto-filter
Acquisition Mode Continuous (un-triggered) sample acquisition
Trace Display Power versus time rolled trace
Channel Math Ratio, sum (power sensors) or difference (voltage sensors) between channels or between a channel and a reference measurement
Statistical Mode Operation
Acquisition Mode Continuous sample acquisition
Sampling Rate Configuration dependent
Number of Histogram Bins 16,384
Bin Power Resolution <0.02 dB (statistical measurements)
Limit Count Adjustable, 2 – 4096 MSamples
Terminal Action Stop, flush and or decimate
Graph Presentation Normalized CCDF trace (relative to maximum power)
Horizontal Scale 0.1 to 5 dB/div
Horizontal Offset ±50.00 dBr
Vertical Axis 0.0001 to 100% (Log, 6 decades)
Text Measurements
Average, Peak and Minimum absolute power, Peak-to-Average and Dynamic Range ratios CCDF table (Peak/Average ratios at decade-spaced % CCDF intervals)
Cursor Measurements
Peak-to-Average ratio at specified % CCDF % CCDF at specified Peak-to-Average ratio
Status Display Total acquisition time (MM:SS) Total acquired Samples
Field Parameter
Measurements, settings, parameters & channel math that can be displayed (User selectable)
Chan Frequency Vertical Scale Vertical Center dB Offset
Sensor Temp Avg CW Power Max Power Min Power
Peak / Avg Dynamic Range Marker Avg Marker Max
Marker Pk/Avg Marker1 Level Marker2 Level Marker Delta
Marker Max Avg Marker Min Avg Marker1 Min Marker1 Max
Marker2 Min Marker2 Max Marker Ratio Mark Rev
Ratio Mark Rev Delta CH1-CH2 CH2-CH1
CH1+CH2 CH1/CH2 CH2/CH1 Reference 1
Reference 2 CH1/Ref1 CH1-Ref1 CH2+Ref1
CH2/Ref2 CH2-Ref2 CH2+Ref2 vacant to
Calibration Source
Internal Calibrator
Operating Modes Off, On CW
Frequency 50.025 MHz ± 0.1%
Level Range -60 to +20 dBm
Resolution 0.1 dB
RF Connector Type N
Source VSWR 1.05 (reflection coefficient = 0.024)
Accuracy, 0C to 20C, NIST traceable
0 dBm ±0.055 dB (1.27%)
+20 to -39 dBm ±0.075 dB (1.74%)
-40 to -60 dBm ±0.105 dB (2.45%)
Auto-calibration Automatically generated linearity calibration data for peak power sensors
Measurement Setup / Storage
25 complete user defined settings (save & recall)
Bluetooth cdmaOne W-CDMA CDMA2000
iDEN RADAR MCPA WiFi 802.11a
802.11b/g 1xEV-DO 1xEV-DV TD-SCDMA
DVB HiperLAN2    
External Interfaces
Remote Control
GPIB Complies with IEEE-488.1 and SCPI version 1993. Implements AH1, SH1, T6, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, and E1.
LAN TCP/IP Ethernet Programmable interfaces
USB “USB Device”, Type-B connector
Multi I/O BNC connector
User selectable Status, trigger, alarm or voltage output
Range 0 to 10 V (Analog unipolar) -10 V to +10 V (Analog bipolar) 0 or 5 V (Logic)
Accuracy ±200 mV (±100 mV typical)
Linearity 0.1% typical
VGA Out / Ext Cal
HDB-15 connector, video output (320x240) for VGA compatible analog RGB video monitor or external calibrator control interface for Model 2530 calibrator
Physical And Environmental Characteristics
Case Dimensions 8.4 W x 3.5 H x 13.5 D inches (21.3 x 8.9 x 34.3 cm), Half-rack width, 2U height
Weight 90 to 260 VAC, 47 to 60 Hz 90 to 135 VAC, 47 to 400 Hz 50 W (70 VA)
Power Requirements 90 to 260 VAC, 47 to 60 Hz
90 to 135 VAC, 47 to 400 Hz
50 W (70 VA)
Operating Temperature 0 to 50 deg C (32 F to 122 F)
Storage Temperature -40 to +75 deg C (-40 F to 167 F)
Ventilation Thermostatically controlled fan
Humidity 95% maximum, non-condensing
Altitude Operation up to 15,000 feet (4575 m)
Shock Withstands ±5 G, 11 ms impulse in X, Y, and Z axes, as per EN 60068-2-27
Vibration Withstands 2 G sine, 1.25 G random, as per EN 60068-2-6 and EN 60068-2-64
Other Characteristics
Display 4.0” Diagonal TFT color LCD, 320 x 240 pixels, CCFL backlight
Keyboard 27 Key conductive rubber
Main Computer 32-bit Floating Point embedded processor
DSP 32-bit Floating Point DSP
Battery User-replaceable BR2325 lithium coin cell (alkaline cells optional), typical life: >10 years (lithium)
Regulatory Categories
Full CE compliance with the following European Union directives and standards
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC EN 60950-1:2002 for safety
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) 2004/108/EC EN 61326:1997 + A1:1998 + A2:2001 + A3:2003
RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC for material safety
Manufactured to the intent of MIL-T28800E, Type III, Class 5, Style E
Sensors / Voltage Probes
Peak Power
Model Frequency Range Dynamic Range Rise Time (Bandwidth)
57006 0.05 to 6.0 GHz -50 to +20 dBm <7 ns (70 MHz)
59318 0.05 to 18.0 GHz -24 to +20 dBm <10 ns (50 MHz)
57518 0.05 to 18.0 GHz -40 to +20 dBm <100 ns (6 MHz)
59340 0.05 to 40.0 GHz -24 to +20 dBm <10 ns (50 MHz)
57540 0.05 to 40.0 GHz -40 to +20 dBm <100 ns (6 MHz)
CW Power
Wide Dynamic Range
Model Frequency Range Dynamic Range
51071A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz -70 to +20 dBm
51072A 30 MHz to 40 GHz -70 to +20 dBm
51075A 500 kHz to 18 GHz -70 to +20 dBm
51077A 500 kHz to 18 GHz -60 to +30 dBm
51079A 500 kHz to 18 GHz -50 to +40 dBm
Model Frequency Range Dynamic Range
551100 (9E) 10 MHz to 18 GHz -20 to +20 dBm
51200 10 MHz to 18 GHz z 0 to +37 dBm
Special Purpose
Model Frequency Range Dynamic Range
51011 (EMC) 10 kHz to 8GHz -60 to +20 dBm (DC coupled)
51011 (4B) 100 kHz to 12.4 GHz -60 to +20 dBm
51013 (4E) 100 kHz to 18 GHz -60 to +20 dBm
51015 (5E)

Key Considerations


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