3ctest CCS 500 Compact Immunity Test System





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The 3ctest CCS 500 is an intelligent multifunctional compact immunity (EMS) test system, as per all the requirements of international standards and product standards for transient pulse, surge and voltage dip, the test voltage is up to 5kV. CCS 500 is the option for full compliance immunity test as per the requirements of EU CE certification and CCC certification for single-phase devices. It can be optional to be built-in automatic single-phase coupling/decoupling network. Three-phase five-wire test can also be conducted by an external coupling network (up to 100A). You are provided with a variety of required accessories to meet the test requirements, such as power frequency magnetic field test.

General Data
Display 5.7inch TFT color touch screen Power supply AC 110V/220V??10%, 50/60Hz??5% (default AC 220V 50Hz)
Fuse 6A Max power consumption 200W
Memory space Infinite?PC? Communication mode Ethernet, RJ45
Dimension?W*H*D? 19inch/6U Weight Approx.35Kg
Temperature range 15-35? Humidity range 45%-75%
Air pressure 86kPa-106kPa
EFT/burst test as per IEC 61000-4-4
Test voltage 0.25kV-4.8KV(±10%? Source impedance 50 ohm
Polarity Positive, negative, alternative Rise time 5ns±30%?50 ohm load?1000 ohm load
Pulse waveform 5/50ns?50 ohm and 1000 ohm load Pulse frequency 0.1kHZ-1000kHz
Pulse duration 50ns±30%?50 ohm load Burst duration 0.075ms-750ms
50ns-15/+100ns?1000 ohm load Test duration 1s-9999s
Burst cycle 11ms-9999ms Synchronization 0°-360°, 1° step or random
Trigger mode Automatic, manual or external CDN Optional for internal single phase automatic CDN: AC 220V 16A Max 250V
SURGE as per IEC61000-4-5
Test voltage 0.3kV-5kV ?±10%? Test current 0.15kA-2.5kA ?±10%?
Voltage waveform Front time: 1.2us±30%, Time to half value: 50us±20% Source output impedance 2 ohm
Current waveform Front time: 8us±20%, Time to half value:20us±20% Coupling capacitance 9μF?18μF
Polarity Positive, negative, alternative Pulse cycle 5s-99s
(shortest depends on test voltage?
Coupling resistance 10 ohm?0 ohm coupling resistor or customized Number of test 1–999
Surge voltage and current peak detection Front panel BNC output, surge voltage: 1000V:1V Surge current :500A:1V 3 digits on display Synchronization 0° - 360°, 1° step or random
Trigger mode Automatic, manual or external CDN Optional for internal single phase automatic CDN: AC 220V 16A Max 250V
PFMF test as per IEC61000-4-8 with optional module MFT 400/1200 or VMT series
Magnetic field strength TCXS 111 Single-turn coil: ?1-100A/m (continuous) 100-400A/m (1-10s in short time)

TCXS 113 Single-turn coil ?1-300A/m (continuous) 300-1200A/m (1-10s in short time)
THID <5%
Current waveform 50Hz/60Hz sine wave Operating current range for short time 120A-500A
Continuous operating current range 1A-120A Test duration 1-28800s
Waveform interval 1-9999s Coil size 1000*1000mm or others
Trigger mode Auto ,manual, external Coil turn Single/three turn
Coil shape Rectangle or others Output magnetic field strength Programmable setup
Pulse magnetic field test as per IEC 61000-4-9 with optional module PMC 1200
Output magnetic field range 100 A/m-1200A/m Waveform Rise time:6.4us±30%; duration: 16us±30%
Output current 100A-2000A Polarity Positive, negative, alternative
Synchronization 0°- 360°?1°step or random Pulse cycle 5-99s
?the shortest depends on test current?
Trigger mode Auto ,manual, external Coil shape Rectangle
Number of test 1-999 Model of Coil TCXS 111
Coil size 1000*1000mm Output magnetic field strength Programmable setup
Coil turn Single
Power fail test as per IEC 61000 - 4 – 11 & IEC 61000-4-29 with optional module VVT or VMT series
EUT max. Voltage 250V AC?220V DC EUT max. current AC/DC 16A continuous current ; AC 20A continuous 5s;40A continuous 3s;500A impulse current
EUT current and voltage measurement BNC terminal: voltage 100:1, current 10A:1V Dip level 0%-100%?for VVT/VMT series? 0%?40%?70%?80%(for VVTxxxxSFseries)
Interruption level 0% Dip and interruption interval 5ms-9999ms
Dip and interruption duration 0.1-9999 cycle or 1ms-9999ms Dip and interruption rise/fall time 1-5µs (100Ωload)
Dip and interruption test duration 1s-9999s Time of Voltage variation decreasing 500ms-9999ms?50%-100%? or 1-5us?100Ω load? 1000ms-9999ms?0%-100%? or 1-5us?100Ω load?
Voltage Variation level 0-100% Duration after voltage variation decreasing 10ms-99999ms
Time of Voltage variation increasing 500ms-9999ms?50%-100%? 1000ms-9999ms?0%-100%? Trigger mode Auto ,manual, external
Synchronization 0°- 360°?1° step or random

Models Selection
Name Model IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-8 IEC 61000-4-9 IEC 61000-4-11 IEC 61000-4-29 CDN single phase three wire
Combination wave surge simulator CCS 500
EFT/Burst CDN EFTN 3816T
Surge CDN SPN 3816T
EFT/Burst and Surge CDN SEPN 3816T
SEPN 3832T
Power frequency magnetic module MFT 400
MFT 1200
AC voltage dips, short interruption and variation module VVT 2216S
VVT 2216SD
VVT 2216SV
Power fail and Power frequency magnetic module VMT 2216S
VMT 2216SV
Pulsed magnetic converter PMC 1200
Standard Equipped
Mainframe, user manual, test report and fuse

Key Considerations


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