GTEM 250 Electromagnetic Transverse Waveguide Cell

Max EUT Size:
8" x 8" x 6"
Frequency Range:
DC - 20 GHz
Max Input Power (CW):
1000 Watts
Max Input Power (Pulse):
2,500 Watts
Dimensions (Footprint):
50" x 25" x 17"
Typical Configuration:
1PH/16 Amps AC, 250V/10A DC, RF feedthroughs N and SMA, Additional Passthrough, Window in Door
Lighting, USB, RS-232, HDMI and other filters, Video Camera System, Safety Interlock, Gas/Water Feedthrough, Stand with Wheels
Standards Met:
IEC/EN 61000-4-20, SAE J1752/3, IEC 62132-2 and IEC 61967-2, IEC 60118-13, and others
Radiated Emissions, Radiated Immunity
Electro Compliance Inc.






This product is available for shipping to North America and Western European countries.

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GTEM 250 Overview

The EMC Shop provides high quality GTEM cells to key test labs across Silicon Valley, California, and the United States. Rent or buy a GTEM 250 today, get immediate shipment, be testing immediately.

The GTEM 250 cell is a TEM waveguide with the upper frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is a low-cost alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements. It is included in the recently published standated IEC/EN 61000-4-20 "Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides”. Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM-cells offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium sized EUT's.

(Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 20 GHz. Quick turnarounds of the EUT as well as numerous testing variations are easy and fast to handle. Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments from receiver input to amplifier output. You are irrespective of long waiting times associated with off-site test labs or weather and ambient delays that can occur at OATS facilities. Whether you are at the design qualification, precompliance, compliance, or production sampling stage, the GTEM is the right choice for you!.

GTEM 250 Cell - The EMC Shop

Locking System - GTEM 250 Cell - The EMC Shop
Locking System
Technical Panel - GTEM 250 Cell - The EMC Shop
Technical Panel
Multipoles Filter - GTEM 250 Cell - The EMC Shop
Multipoles Filter


Theory of operation

GTEM 250 cells (Giga-hertz Transversal Electro-Magnetic cells) are waveguide structures intended for electromagnetic compatibility measurements, as well as biomedical applications. The electromagnetic field distribution inside the cell is in TEM mode. With TEM mode propagation, there is no component of electric and magnetic field in the direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave. Therefore the field components are strictly perpendicular. Assuming the field distribution ideal TEM below the cut-off frequency of the cell (before the introduction of higher order modes), the electromagnetic field distribution can be considered static.

Special Configuration includes:

Additional Channel for fiber optic leads (3 fiber pairs) 
Shielded window in door 
High Voltage N Connector 
Qty 6 RF feed-thru SMA type connector 
Qty 2 Air venting window 80x80 mm  


GTEM 250 Applications

  • EMI and EMS devices
  • Radiation and susceptibility test
  • Specifically designed for telecom application
  • Biomedical and dosimetrical applications
  • Isotropic sensors calibration
  • Receiver sensitivity test
Operating range 0,1MHz - 20GHz
RF Input Max continuous. input power: 500W
RF Input connector type "N" UG-21 connector
Shielding Better than 65 to 110dB depending from frequencies
Absorbers 350 mm TDK
Outer cell dimension (L)1250x(W)640x(H)440mm
Door Size 450 x 250mm
Construction Fully hot galvanized and inox steel 10/10 and 20/10


GTEM 250 Installation Manual and General Safety Instructions

The GTEM GigaHertz Transverse Electromagnetic) cell is a precision electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test instrument primarily intended for use as radiated immunity and radiated emission test facility without environmental electromagnetic interference. The cell is electrically similar to a coaxial cable with one side open (the apex) and other side closed on the impedance of the generator or receiver connected. In this case with a multimeter appears as 50 Ohm resistance.

Measurement Setup

The setup for emission measurements in a GTEM cell is shown below. The EUT is placed inside the GTEM and its radiation is measured with a receiver. The receiver can be software controlled and some software that includes the GTEM to OATS correlation is commercially available.

GTEM 250 Diagram - The EMC Shop


GTEM 250 Key Considerations

Electro Compliance Inc.
Max EUT Size:
8" x 8" x 6"
Frequency Range:
DC - 20 GHz
Max Input Power (CW):
1000 Watts
Max Input Power (Pulse):
2,500 Watts
Dimensions (Footprint):
50" x 25" x 17"
Typical Configuration:
1PH/16 Amps AC, 250V/10A DC, RF feedthroughs N and SMA, Additional Passthrough, Window in Door
Lighting, USB, RS-232, HDMI and other filters, Video Camera System, Safety Interlock, Gas/Water Feedthrough, Stand with Wheels
Standards Met:
IEC/EN 61000-4-20, SAE J1752/3, IEC 62132-2 and IEC 61967-2, IEC 60118-13, and others
Radiated Emissions, Radiated Immunity

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