EFT-CAL-KIT Burst/EFT pulse calibration Kits can perform voltage divided and HV signal attenuation by impedance matching and make signal waveforms to be in the range accepted by oscilloscope which are mainly used in EMC immunity tests to calibrate burst generator periodically and ensure good performance and test accuracy. These calibration kits are built with different types of HV connectors and are compatible with all burst/EFT generators. EFT-CAL-KIT is 50Ω terminal load or 1kΩ terminal load complying with EN/IEC61000-4-4 Amendment 2, the maximum endurable pulse voltage is 8KV, working bandwidth 400 MHz.
EFT-CAL-LIT Features:
- Attenuator: ATT-1- 54 dB, ATT-2 60dB
- Input Immpedance: 5 kVat pulse 5/50 ns
- Max Energy: 250 pulses per second
- Connection Input: Fisher HV
- Connection Output: BNC Connector
- Operating Tempature: 0 - 40 celsius
- Relative air humidity: 0-60%
See out calibration kits page: EFT/Burst Calibration