Rohde & Schwarz HL023A1 is a Log-periodic broadband antenna with 80 to 1300 MHz Frequency range.
In conjunction with a test or monitoring receiver, the R&S HL032 can be used for versatile applications, e.g. field-strength measurements or determination of direction of incidence and signal polarization.
Each antenna is individually calibrated. A CD-ROM with calibration data is supplied with the antenna.
The R&S HL032 can also be used as a transmit antenna in the entire frequency range.
Rohde & Schwarz HL023A1 Features:
- Log-periodic broadband antenna
- 80 to 1300 MHz
- Correction Factor - 4 to 25 dB
- Max Input Power:
- 700 Watts CW at 80 MHz
- 650 Watts CW at 100 MHz
- 320 Watts CW at 500 MHz
- 250 Watts CW at 1000 MHz
- 230 Watts CW at 1300 MHz