PMM VDH-01 Van der Hoofden test-head





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PMM VDH-01 Van der Hoofden test-head (IEC 62493)

PMM VDH-01 is a Van der Hoofden test-head designed to meet the specification of the IEC 62493 standard for the EMF assessment of lighting products in relation to human exposure, requiring the measurements of induced currents in the frequency range 20 kHz - 10 MHz.

  • Physical dimensions and electrical characteristics according to IEC 62493
  • Protection network included
  • Individual calibration
  • Robust, rustproof construction
  • Lightweight Automatic calculation of factor F (in conjunction with PMM Emission Suite and PMM 9010 EMI receiver)

The test-head is composed by a conductive sphere of 210 mm diameter simulating the human head, by a connecting wire simulating the neck and by a passive network that matches the EMI receiver 50 Ohm input impedance and prevents it from overloading.

The PMM VDH-01 can be used with any CISPR-compliant EMI receiver; when used in conjunction with the EMI receiver PMM 9010, the measurement settings and the computing functions are automatically performed by the PMM Emission Suite software.

Key Considerations


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