ISO 10605

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Notice: This information is a brief, elementary version of the test setup for EFT/Burst testing. For step by step test procedures you will need to purchase the Iso 10605 test standard for detail instruction. For compliance testing please consult an EMC test lab

Overview - EMC Testing on EV - Electric Vehicles, Batteries, and Charging Stations


This International Standard specifies the electrostatic discharge (ESD) test methods necessary to evaluate electronic modules intended for vehicle use. It applies to discharges in the following cases:

  1. ESD in assembly;
  2. ESD caused by service staff;
  3. ESD caused by occupants.

ESD applied to the device under test (DUT) can directly influence the DUT. ESD applied to neighbouring parts can couple into supply and signal lines of the DUT in the vehicle and/or directly into the DUT. This International Standard describes test procedures for evaluating both electronic modules on the bench and complete vehicles. This International Standard applies to all types of road vehicles regardless of the propulsion system (e.g. spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, electric motor). This International Standard is based in part on IEC 61000-4-2 and describes vehicle-specific requirements.


All tests are to be performed in positive and negative polarities.

Direct Contact Discharge
Level Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
1 2kV 2kV 5kV
2 4kV 4kV 6kV
3 6kV 8kV 8kV
4 8kV 8kV 15kV


Indirect Contact Discharge
Level Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
1 2kV 2kV 4kV
2 4kV 4kV 8kV
3 6kV 8kV 15kV
4 8kV 15kV 20kV


Direct Air Discharge
Level Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
1 2kV 4kV 6kV
2 4kV 6kV 8kV
3 8kV 8kV 15kV
4 15kV 15kV 25kV




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NEW IN EDITION 3 OF ISO 10605:2023

The ISO 10605 standard is moving towards the global IEC 61000-4-2 ESD immunity standard for most electronics. Specifically when it comes to the component level testing (power on). Indirect discharge tests now require 10, instead of 50 strikes, at 1 second, instead 50 ms, intervals. Unfortunately your test time has doubled and you are most likely still paying the newbie to sit around and discharge all day.

Good news, Appendix G provides guidance on setting up automated ESD testing. Probably not going to be slurped up by Detroit or our new neighborinos (Bosch), but Elon might! Overseas assembly plants are likely going to want to have a look. We can help, but right now, we have only programmed the robotic arm to zap the RF techs.

The standard has expanded, more information overall, to help those newbies get up and running, and alternative test techniques. Which should be demonstrating to the user the test procedure isn't law, but a guide and a permission slip to think outside the box, and test your DUT the best appropriate way.

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