Pearson PRD-240 Powerline Ripple Detector

Test Standards:
MIL-STD-461 CS101, DO-160 Section 18 and MIL-HDBK-704-2 through -6
Max Voltage:
240 V AC, 270 V DC
Frequency Range:
10 Hz to 150 kHz
Military EMC Testing



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PRD-240 Overview

The Pearson PRD-240 facilitates the measurement of power line AC ripple using a frequency selective voltmeter, i.e., EMI receiver or spectrum analyzer. In so doing, it greatly simplifies both the manual and automated measurement of injected ripple in such standards as MIL-STD461 CS01/CS101, RTCA/DO-160 section 18 and MIL-HDBK704-2 through -6.

The PRD-240 is designed for use on AC or DC buses of 100 VAC or DC to 240 VAC and 270 VDC, Maximum voltage, 240 Volts AC or 270 Volts DC. For measurements on buses of lower potential, such as 28 VDC, the PRD-120 model should be used. The PRD-240 provides the test engineer with the following built-in functions:

-Accurate measurement of audio frequency (CS101) ripple injected on AC or DC power buses
-Signal conditioning so that both power bus potential and ripple can be monitored on a sensitive frequency selective voltmeter
-Isolation between power bus and frequency selective voltmeter safety/chassis ground
-Capability to monitor ripple across both test sample and power source, separates injected ripple from the power waveform.
-For MIL-STD-461 CS101, a switch selectable function which generates a constant output across the entire CS101 frequency range, even above 5 kHz where the limit changes with frequency, flat response from 10 Hz to 150 kHz


PRD-240 Key Considerations

Test Standards:
MIL-STD-461 CS101, DO-160 Section 18 and MIL-HDBK-704-2 through -6
Max Voltage:
240 V AC, 270 V DC
Frequency Range:
10 Hz to 150 kHz
Military EMC Testing

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