Schwarzbeck SBA 9112 Microwave Biconical Broadband Antenna

Frequency Range:
3 0 18 GHz
Max Input Power:
10 Watts
Standards Met:
CISPR16-1-4:2007-02 Ed. 2.0
Site validation above 1 GHz



3-4 Months



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The SBA 9112 was designed because of the worldwide unavailability of omnidirectional or dipole-like broadband antennas operating above 3 GHz. In combination with the SBA 9113 a frequency range from 0.5 to 18 GHz can be covered with excellent antenna performance. Accepting some limitations (i.e. Antenna Factor and VSWR increase, symmetry reduction) the SBA 9112 can be used from 1 GHz on.

The validation of test sites with commonly used Microwave antennas (e.g. Log.- Per. or Horn Antennas) leads to insufficient results, since these directive gain antennas with concentrated directional pattern do not take the test site characteristics into account.


The typical applications of the microwave biconical Antenna are the evaluation of test sites, the (frequency selective) fieldstrength measurement and the generation of defined fieldstrength (e.g. ERP or EIRP). Thanks to the wide bandwidth there is no need for a time consuming change of the antenna elements as required when operating with tuned half-wave dipoles.

The biconical elements allow a continuos sweep over the complete frequency range. Because of the dipole-like directional pattern, the fixed phase center and the high power handling capability the SBA 9113 may replace tuned half-wave dipoles in many applications.

The SBA 9112 is not intended for emission testing with very low limits, horn and Log.-Per. Antennas are better matched for this purpose because of their better antenna factor. A typical application of the SBA 9112 is the use as a (highly linear) broadband nearfield probe thanks to its small dimensions.

Linear polarised microwave biconical broadband antenna
Nominal Frequency range 3 - 18 GHz
Useable Frequency range 1 - 18 GHz
Connector female 50 ? N
Mounting tube LH=560mm, d=22 mm
Index Ring LR=190mm
Element length total LE =20 m
Element diameter D = 9 mm
Isotropic gain typ. -4....+3 dBi
(3.5 - 18 GHz)
Antenna Factor 43 ... 53 dB/m
SWR typ. 1.5-5
(4 - 18 GHz)
Balun (low loss) 1:1
Inversion Symmetry typ. < 0.5 dB
(3 - 18 GHz)
Cross Polarisation Rejection < - 20 dB
Max. Input Power 10 W
Half-Power Beamwidth (E-plane) 84° - 45°
Weight 420 g


Key Considerations

Frequency Range:
3 0 18 GHz
Max Input Power:
10 Watts
Standards Met:
CISPR16-1-4:2007-02 Ed. 2.0
Site validation above 1 GHz

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