RFM Radiation Meter

Frequency Range:
5 kHz - 60 GHz
Measurement Range:
10 mV/m-1000 V/m
0.1% +/- 0.5 dB
Battery Life:
8 Hours
Electro Compliance Inc.



Typically In Stock



This product is available for shipping to North America and Western European countries.

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RFM Overview

The RFM is a low cost, high performance radiation field strength meter as an alternative to Narda and Wavecontrol. A wide assortment of electric and magnetic field probes are stocked and calibrated. Fiber optic interfacing allows for remote control use and system integration for radiated immunity EMC applications.

  • Reading Autorange One continuous range: RMS (root mean square) in all modes; 10 mV/m-1000 V/m (0.02nW/cm2 -249 mW/cm2)
  • Resolution 0.1% typically (1 unit of the last digit of 3 digit display)
  • Calibration accuracy +/- 0.5 dB (at reference levels)
  • Linearity deviation +/- 0.5 dB
  • Probe rotational isotropicity +/- 0.5 dB typically, depends on probe model
  • Operating modes Fast (30 msec.)/Slow (300 msec.)
  • Averaging type Time Averaging, Spatial Averaging (manual data logging)
  • Averaging time interval 30/300 msec.- 30 min. in 11/9 steps.
  • Data logging Internal MMC compatible memory card (32-4096 MB)
  • Logging time interval 30/300 msec.-30 min. in 11/9 steps
  • Practically unlimited 1 GB card stores up to 1000 files, 100,000 data points in each
  • Automatic and/or user activated. Works even at strong EM fields.
  • Display OLED color display with power saving timeout.
  • Bidirectional RS232 optically decoupled cable or fiber optic.
  • Field strength measurements around AM/FM/TV and GSM cellular transmitters
  • Safety and regulatory assessment of microwave ovens and RF heating equipment
  • Monitoring of the RF radiation from industrial, scientific and medical equipment
  • Monitoring of RF fields from TEM/GTEM cells and antennas for EMC testing of consumer, industrial, automotive and military products
  • Data logging of RF fields during Electrosmog testing and environmental monitoring in stand-alone and remotely controlled testing sites
  • Personal RF field monitoring and protection

RFM Key Considerations

Electro Compliance Inc.
Frequency Range:
5 kHz - 60 GHz
Measurement Range:
10 mV/m-1000 V/m
0.1% +/- 0.5 dB
Battery Life:
8 Hours

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