Cuming Microwave C-RAM CFC High Performance Cleanroom RF Absorber




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The C-RAM CFC is a series of high performance broadbanded RF absorbers designed for electronic and aerospace cleanroom applications. The carbon loaded foam is completely embedded in a clean material, so there is no dusting or release of conductive particles.

C-RAM CFC is made by embedding the corresponding grade of C-RAM SFC Pyramidal absorber in a mating section of low loss foam. The resulting box shaped absorber is then wrapped and sealed with an antistatic polyethylene film that can be wiped clean and requires no special vacuuming to maintain cleanroom conditions.

Because of the low dielectric constant of the foam insert, C-RAM CFC has essentially the same reflectivity as the SFC absorber it is made from, up through X-band. At millimeter frequencies, performance may begin to degrade slightly.


C-RAM CFC can be bonded to walls using a contact adhesive such as CAMBOND 934. Alternately, blocks can simply be stacked on top of each other. The material is designed so that, when stacked, the bases of the embedded SFC absorber are in close contact with each other.


C-RAM CFC is available in 6 standard grades as shown in the table below. Standard base dimensions are 24 in x 24 in (610 x 610 mm). Other sizes and shapes are possible on special order.

When designing a chamber using C-RAM CFC, exact room dimensions and locations of doors, access panels , lights, etc. must be know. The absorber can be supplied as pre-cut kits, since it is difficult to field cut and repair pieces.

--------------------- REFLECTIVITY AT FREQ., IN dB ---------------------
Grade Height 0.30 GHz 0.50 GHz 1.0 GHz 3.0 GHz 6.0 GHz 10.0 GHz
CFC-4 4.8” 120mm 30 35 42
CFC-8 8.8” 225mm 30 37 45 50
CFC-12 13” 330mm 35 40 45 50
CFC-18 19” 480mm 30 37 45 50 50
CFC-24 25” 635mm 30 35 40 45 50 50
CFC-36 37” 940mm 35 37 42 50 50 50

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