Schwarzbeck RS 0460 Biconical Omnidirectional Antenna 0.4 - 6 GHz





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The Schwarzbeck RS 0460 vertically polarised symmetrical biconical antenna 0.4 - 6 GHz omnidirectional in the H-plane.

Schwarzbeck RS 0460 Specifications
Vertical polarised microwave biconical broadband antenna with omnidirectional H-plane pattern.
Frequency range 0.4 – 6 GHz
Useable Frequency Range 0.4 – 8 GHz
Connector female 50 ? N
Mounting tube 22 mm
Isotropic gain typ. -3...+3 dBi
Antenna Factor 25 ... 44 dB/m
SWR typ. 1.5
SWR max. 3 (f>500 MHz)
Max. Input Power 100 W
Half-Power Beamwidth (E-plane) 80° - 50°
Pattern Deviation from Omnidirectional typ. < +/- 1 dB
Weight 2.6 kg
Dimensions 185 x 185 x 370 mm

Schwarzbeck RS 0460 Biconical Omnidirectional Antenna

Schwarzbeck RS 0460 Biconical Omnidirectional Antenna

Schwarzbeck RS 0460 Biconical Omnidirectional Antenna

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