Magnet-Physik Remacomp C-1200 Magnetic Property Measuring System




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The REMACOMP C is a fully automatic, computer controlled measuring system to determine the dynamic magnetic properties (AC) of soft magnetic material. The characteristic properties are core losses, remanence, coercivity and permeability.

Most components of the REMACOMP C except the power amplifier are integrated in the system computer. This minimizes the external cable connections. The output values of the external power amplifier can be adapted to the specific requirements within a wide range. The instrument covers a frequency range from 10 Hz up to 10 kHz or 300 kHz, dependent on the components of the specific model.

Typical specimen shapes are for example tape-wound cores and C-cores. These shapes are characterized by a closed magnetic path which means that a closure yoke is not necessary. The samples must be provided with a primary and secondary winding for testing. The magnetic field strength H is calculated from the current in the primary winding. This is realized by measuring the voltage drop across a measuring resistor of low inductance in series with this winding.

The flux density B is determined by numerical integration of the voltage induced in the secondary winding. The course in time of these voltages is recorded oscillographically and is scanned by two fast analog-digital converters (ADC). From the data of one period the hysteresis loop and the characteristic values like core losses, remanence, coercivity and permeability are calculated. The result (measuring curve) automatically appears is scaled form on the monitor.

Besides the hysteresis loop, the course in time of field strength and flux density can also be displayed. Digital display of the results on the visual display unit excludes reading errors. The graphic display obviates the need for time-consuming evaluation and conversion of data.

The application of digital signal processing techniques throughout is reflected in the high degree of accuracy, ease of operation short measuring time and good documentation. The equipment is therefore suitable for use in the laboratory, quality control for both incoming and outgoing goods. The measuring system corresponds to the International Standard IEC 60404-6 (Digital Method).


  • Frequency range: 1Hz- 1MHz
  • Power amplifier: 93 VA

Signal Generator

  • Resolution: 16 bit
  • Max output voltage: 10V
  • Waveforms max freqency/update rate: Arbitrarily programmable, up to 4-10 points/s

Analog to Digital Converter

  • Number of inputs: 2
  • Resolution: 12 bit
  • Input voltage (full scale ranges): 0.001 V to 150 V
  • Maximum input voltage: 150V
  • Accuracy, better than: >10V: 0.4 % of reading

Power Amplifier

  • Max: approx 30 A
  • Max Voltage: 150V
  • Bandwidth: DC to 300 kHz

Low Inductance Measuring Shunt

  • Resistance: 0.2Ω
  • Tolerance: .1%
  • Maximum burden: 100W

REMAGRAPH C-1200 Special device with high output power for measurements with a Epstein frame up to a field strength H of approximately 29 kA/m (365 Oe). The system conforms to IEC 60404-2, DIN IEC 60404-2, ASTM A773/A773M.


Cabinet for REMAGRAPH C - 541

1 Electronic Fluxmeter EF 5

Power amplifier 1000 W, maximum current approx. 40 A

Epstein frame MCE 1201 N

Computer-Hardware Software REMA

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