Voltech PM6000 Multi-Phase Power Analyzer

Up to 6 wattmeter
Basic accuracy:
0.02% of reading
in all applications



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Voltech PM6000 Overview

The Voltech PM6000 Multi-Phase Power Analyzer provides definitive measurements of all electrical power quantities on all products that consume, convert or generate electrical power. The Voltech PM6000 combines years of power measurement expertise with the digital signal processing technology to provide a unique combination of measurement and reporting features that will solve a multitude of power measurement problems.

The Voltech PM6000 Power Analyzer is ideal for measurements on power supplies, from wall chargers to UPS and high power converters. The PM6000 makes accurate measurements on all waveforms including those heavily distorted by the rectification and smoothing at power supply inputs.


  • Up to six channels configurable as required, for example AC input plus 5 DC outputs or three-phase input and output.
  • Basic accuracy: 0.02% of reading
  • Accurate on all waveforms.
  • Accurate at low power factors. (<0.01)
  • Bandwidth: 10 MHz
  • Samples continuously, without gaps at 5 MSPS so there is no missing data during integration or low-power standby measurements.
  • Sampling at 40 MHz (5 MHz minimum) for error-free results
  • Outstanding rejection of common-mode signals for accuracy in all applications
  • A bright color display and intuitive menu system for ease of use
  • Connectivity: RS232, Printer, Ethernet


Power Supplies Ideal for measurements on power supplies, from wall chargers to UPS and high-power converters, the PM6000 makes accurate measurements on all waveforms including those heavily distorted by the rectification and smoothing at power supply inputs
Power Transformers Power transformers are characterized under open-circuit and short-circuit conditions. Open-circuit, the power factor of the transformer is close to zero (<0.01), which demands very low phase error, from the power analyzer. The analog design of the PM6000 ensures that its voltage and current channels are carefully matched, providing optimum performance at low power factors
Variable Frequency Drives and Machines The versatile PM6000 will make simultaneous measurements at the input and output of a drive, allowing accurate efficiency measurements under all load and speed conditions
Power Integration / Standby The power consumption of everyday home and office electrical appliances is of importance to consumers and generators of electricity alike
IEC Harmonics and Flicker Voltech continues to be a leader in producing power analyzers that meet the ever changing needs of today’s world. A mandatory measurement for products in Europe and many other countries, the IEC standards define specific methods for testing current harmonics and flicker (voltage changes). The PM6000 and its optional easy-to-use software provide design engineers and EMC test laboratories with a comprehensive suite of measurements and reports that fully comply with the latest standards
Lighting Ballasts To measure the efficiency of a high-frequency ballast, its essential to have an accurate measurement of both the input and output power of the ballast. With unbeatable accuracy at both low and high frequencies, and superior common-mode rejection, the PM6000 will make the most accurate efficiency measurements possible


Voltech PM6000 Key Considerations

Up to 6 wattmeter
Basic accuracy:
0.02% of reading
in all applications

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