The PMM model 8053A has a microprocessor and large graphic display that achieves high performances. It also has small dimensions and is simple to use. The internal architecture uses three high density circuit boards which are easy to replace and repair.
- 8053 Meter
- EP330 E-field probe
- Manual
- Certificate of Calibration
- Program Disk (Firmware)
- Battery Charger
- Serial Cable with 9/25 pin Adapter (1.5m long)
- Soft Case w/strap
- Three axis probes
- Automatic antenna diodes checking
- Internal Calibration data
- Low frequency filters
- Graphic LCD display (7x7 cm)
- Dynamic range >140 dB
- Arithmetic, Quadratic, and Spatial averaging
(30s, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 30 min. etc.) - Analog indication (lin & log scale)
- Fiber optic output
- Acoustic and display blinking alarm
- Labelled and partitioned internal memory
(32.700 readings) - Acquisition software
- Optical repeater
- Programmable auto-off