Schwarzbeck HFRAE 5160 Passive RX-Loop Antenna





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The Shielded RX-Loop HFRAE 5160 enters frequency ranges which had been approached by loop antennas for a long time. In contrast to passive loop antennas of other manufacturers the HFRAE 5160 offers a nearly constant antenna factor (ripple < +/- 0.5 dB) in the frequency range from 3 MHz to approx. 120 MHz. The loop is shielded against E-fields, thus leading to a real measurement of the magnetic component of the field.

Frequency Range 1-300 MHz
Impedance 0 ?
Magnetic Antenna Factor typ. 22.7 +/- 2.5 dB/?m
Fictious Electric Antenna Factor typ. 74.2 +/- 2.5 dB/m
Number of turns 1
Loop diameter 50 mm
Mechanical Dimensions 104 x 60 x 62 mm
Terminals BNC
Mount 3/8"
Weight 170 g

Measured Antenna Factor for H- and fictious E-fields

Key Considerations


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