Contact Tip for ESD16 and ESD30 ESD Guns

ESD Guns
Test Standards:
IEC 61000-4-2
Contact Discharge:
30 kV
The EMC Shop



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To be used with the ESD16 and ESD30 ESD Guns.

Contact Discharge 
With this method, the probe of the generator is placed directly on the test object. The actual "impulse triggering" takes place via a relay contact and reduces the influencing factors such as approach speed, amplitude height, air humidity and temperature.
Important: In the case of non-contacting (eg painted or oxidized surface), the impulses are not triggered. The display shows "No contact". This ensures that when triggering a discharge actually takes place.

The EMC Shop offers ESD Simulation Guns for IEC 61000-4-2ISO 10605 and other standards to simulate electrostatic discharge phenomena. Pre-certify, troubleshoot or perform any other verification of your product having an ESD gun readily available. With a wide range of simulators up to 30kV, as well as Discharge Networks to meet military and automotive standards - learn, acquire and receive the best support with this common EMC test.

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