Fully Anechoic (FAR) Test Chambers Test Equipment, Systems & Solutions
ETS-Lindgren AMS-8050 Antenna Measurement System
SKU: 30156
Frequency Range: 700 MHz to 10 GHzVoltage: 50/60 HzConnector: IEC 320Multi-Axis Positioner: Accuracy 0.5 degrees, Resolution 0.1 degreesPath Length: 1.5 mDrive System Electrical (VAC): 208/240 VAC; NEMA 6-15Drive System (Amps): 10 AEquipment/DUT Electrical (VAC): 115/230 VAC; NEMA 5-15Equipment/DUT (Amps): 5 AShield Performance: >90 dBApplications: OTA Testing, EMC Precompliance TestingInquire for Lead Time -
MIL-STD-461 Shielded Enclosure Build & Install
SKU: sku-751
Absorber: MIL-STD-461 RF AbsorberStandards Met: MIL-STD-461G<1 Month -
CISPR 25 ALSE Test Chamber Build & Install
SKU: 11326
Frequency Range: DC - 40 GHzIsolation: 100-110 dB typical (75 dB min in the Magnetic Field)1-6 Months -
RF/EMC Anechoic Test Chamber Build and Install
SKU: sku-1326
Test Standards: CISPR 25, MIL-STD-461, IEC 61000-4-3, CISPR 16 and moreChamber Sizes: 1 meter and 3 meters (10 meters coming soon)Frequency Range: 30 MHz - 100 GHzChamber Types: Anechoic, Semi-Anechoic, Reverberation, Tent/PortableFaster Than Most!