EMC Antenna Masts, Stands & Towers

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The EMC Shop stocks antenna masts, stands and tripods. Get Application Support, Pricing, Lead Time and More: Contact Form

Types of EMC Antenna Masts & Stands

  • Portable - Non Conductive excluding wheels
  • Fixed - Heavy duty towers up to 4 meter
  • Simple - Tripods using standard 1/4" mounting techniques (like that camera back in the 90's)

Automation for Antenna Masts, Stands & Towers

  • Pneumatic stands can be controlled on portable antenna masts
  • Fixed antenna towers can be driven with DC power or air compression, allowing for full automation including bore sighting and polarization changing.
  • Mount any EMC Antenna
  • Large high gain horns
  • Double stacked log periodics
  • Biconicals
  • High Power Horn Antennas
  • Log Periodic Antennas
  • Anechoic Chambers
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EMC Antenna Masts, Stands & Towers Categories

EMC Antenna Masts, Stands & Towers Test Equipment, Systems & Solutions

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