IEC-EN 62233

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The IEC-EN 62233 sets a standard for measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to human exposure.


IEC-EN 62233 deals with electromagnetic fields up to 300 GHz and defines methods for evaluating the electric field strength and magnetic flux density around household and similar electrical appliances, including the conditions during testing as well as measuring distances and positions.

Appliances may incorporate motors, heating elements or a combination, and may contain electric or electronic circuitry. They may also be powered by the mains, by batteries, or by any other electrical power source. Appliances include such equipment as household electrical appliances, electric tools and electric toys. Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be approached by the layman are included in this standard.

IEC-EN 62233 includes specific elements to assess human exposure including definitions of:

  • Sensor
  • Measuring methods
  • Operating mode for appliance under test
  • Measuring distance and position

The measurement methods specified are valid from 10 Hz to 400 kHz. In the frequency range above 400 kHz and below 10 Hz appliances in the scope of this standard are deemed to comply without testing unless otherwise specified in IEC 60335 series.

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