Equipment Check Out (and In) Process


When it comes to fulfilling rental orders, The EMC Shop appreciates urgency, but also the value of review & quality before shipping out equipment.

Check In

  • Warehouse personnel inspect for shipping damage as well as the 'shake test' to make sure nothing inside is loose.
  • Technicians evaluate the equipment for functionality and determine any deterioration in performance.
  • Typically all test equipment is recalibrated at time of rental return.

Check Out

  • Our quality team reviews prior to packaging that all accessories are present and the calibration is valid for at least six months.
  • Some products include pictured accessory kits to help engineers verify everything was received and serve as a reminder when returning equipment.
  • Sophisticared rentals requiring multiple pieces of equipment to work in hramony will be reviewed and verified by a technician with expertise in the particular application.


  • It typically takes 2-3 business days before equipment is fully evaluated and released from the laboratory.
  • The system automatically turns off the rental, adjusts the final bill accordingly and sends it.
  • In the event of damage suspected by misuse The EMC Shop will bring it to attention and handle on a case by case basis.

The Skinny

A quick walk through of what The EMC Shop does and after rentals.

Why The EMC Shop?

  • Industry Best Lead Times
  • Onsite Calibration Services
  • Accredited to ISO 17025
  • Electric Field Probes
  • Any EMC Test Equipment Past & Present
  • Calibration Service Provider for Many Large Calibration Labs

Experienced Professionals
with EMC Test Equipment

ISO 17025
Scope of Accreditation

Popular Rental Items:

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